Saturday, April 30, 2022


My three wonderful girls really know how to put on parties.....90 balloons and country flags filled the front yard.....I still have a humungas blown up airplane and five clouds floating from my ceiling fan...cake cream....friends...neighbors and family enjoyed all 100 red roses.....a fun globe with pins stuck in every country I have been too and much more.  being 90 isn't all bad.
Happy Birthday little brother...the 27th...he is 76.  And the 28th would have been my 66th wedding anniversary.
Don died the almost 93.....they had a funeral service for him today.....Toni did not even have the decency to call any of the girls and tell them he died or ask if they would like to come tell him good-by...they all are very hurt and Pam nd Rob are the only ones to attend the services I guess...he did not know the grand children.....and they did not know him....thank goodness some of their Peterson cousins informed Pam of his death.....Don and I ended up being friends....


Tuesday, April 19, 2022

MADE IT TO 90.......

Betty Ree Yeomans.....1 year
Born in my grandma Goff's featherbed in Mancos, Colorado.....90 yeaars ago!  I have had a wonderful life and God has been very good to me.  Can't remember any relatives making it to lucky to have all my marbles and as good health as expected at this age....The family and neighbors have all ralleyed around to help me celebrate....and the girls have planned an open house for Saturday....I am very grateful for all their love.  The Cooks had me '"carded" AND MY front yard has large letters proclaiming Happy 90th Birthday....guess I can't lie about my age any more.  Many calls from family and friends and goodies.....thanks to every one.


Tuesday, April 12, 2022


Don't know why it is so hard to blog now days.....seems life is the same old ......same old day in and day out when you get old....hurt....and the weather is cold.  Patty came over this morning for a couple of hours.....we share all our problems....Tuesdays seem her day to visit.
Leslie had a new knee put in last Thursday and is starting her therapy program....Jim and I still hurting with various aches and pains and having April birthdays....Mine 90.....Jim 76.....the twins today 54 and grandson Ken 24 two days after mine....April a big family birthday month....The girls insist we do something for my big 9....0. Everything so expensive now etc. I wanted nothing .......but agreed to a small open house with my neighbors and family close by.....with cake and ice cream period ......but we shall see what they have up their sleeves.  They are sweet daughters and I appreciate their love and caring...I guess 90 years  IS a long time.....and thankgoodness....I still have most my marbles.



54 Years ago today these two sweet girls were the Holy Cross Hospital....a month early.....known as Sherrie and Karrie.  They completed our family with big sister Pam.....11 years older. Talked to both of them today.....Kar busy at home......Sher and Ken celebrating their birthdays in Boston....Ken has a birthday the 21st......when I got her today she and Ken were at the "Plymouth Rock".....and loving BOSTON.....We got a good ole snow storm last night...infact continuing today.  Will see Karrie tomorrow.



Libby and Olivia......
Yesterday was Libby's many April Bdays.  This is my 5th great-grand child in her arms...Olivia.  who will be one year old next month.