Friday, July 30, 2021



I have so many whys going around in my head I feel lost......Why did this cute 19...have to endure he cancer he more operation and then done I hope.  His hair is growing in now and he is so happy.  More prayers are in order.
I am still completely lost with this new computer.....Pam has helped some.....but need Brayden to sit down and help me.....I am neglecting my blog because being lost is no fun. instead of skipping days....I go weeks now.  I am tending Pam's dog for 10 days while she drives with Rob to Detroit for 6 months with Amazon....she and the dogs keeping t he home fires burning......SHE TOLD ME DARREN FILED FOR DIVORCE TWO WEEKS AGO!.....Wonder when Sherrie waas going to tell me?.....I am very hurt. Will probably see more of Pam in the next 6 months.  Scotty is going to dig the dead bushes out of my back yard next week......he and Karrie came over yesterday and got rid of a hornets nest in flower bed....brave me watched from inside.....didn't want Pam's dog stung.
The summer Olympics are dominating the TV......America doing pretty good......can't believe August is here and soon summer hot and dry this year.

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