Thursday, July 22, 2021



A balmy Thursday evening turns into a cloud burst!.....Yes, we really do need the water......but the wind is the thunder and lightening that goes with a summer storm.....sat on the porch to get a good view....
TOMORROW......the summer Olympics start in Tokyo......good weekend intertainment.......TOMORROW....also big 24th of July celebration in Utah......parade, rodeo, dances, etc. but for me......just another day.  The Cooks are off to Bear Lake for the weekend.....Sher in Vernal.....and Pam getting ready for trip to Detroit........Robs new job....he will stay and Pam will stay in SLC and tend the dogs.    
I still hurt to bad to even think of leaving home.......all I want to do is hit the bed with the hot pad.....I seem to be sleeping my summer away.....even shopping isn't fun any more......and I have quit eating....nothing tastes good....three bites and I am done!   Who said old age is not 89.....?
Well....back to the TV.....

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