Sunday, December 3, 2017


WELL......If I could I would tattoo this on every member of my family's head!........
I know this isn't just the case in my family......Many of my friends are going through this also in one way or another........Family is all we really have as we age.......and their love and time mean so much to us.......all I can say is ......'WHAT GOES ROUND......COMES ROUND"..... and it will come back to you!
Yesterday Pam, Sherrie, Tiff and I rode up to Midway to a baby shower for Andrea.....She really was barefoot and pregrant......due 29th of January........I did get a cute quilt put together and knitted a shawl had Sherrie buy an Indian Bracelet for her.......All the Cooks drove up and the Fritzes were there......Nice group.....served soup and biscuits and salad.  They held it in the Model Home that was empty that Rich and Karrie are building ......?????? NO..... kAR  was not friendly.....Rich and Annie......OK.   I guess Sher ask them to the family Christmas Party......and they all are coming that means more shopping this week..It is a girl and they think they will name her grandma Goff was Lilly Florence........?? Don't hear that name much any more.
Ken here for the weekend so we put lights on the trees on the front porch and helped me clip GIgi.....I IRONED.......7 shirts for him and dinner is in the oven.......Oh yes, he and I went to Church.......
News forecast is snow tonight.......good for the ski resorts, but can by-pass the Cottages.......
Busy week ahead!!!!!

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