Monday, May 30, 2016


First,   Happy Memorial Day.......had a great weekend with much to celebrate........went to my 12th grandchild graduation.......everything from high school to college to one MBA.  kENNEDY CHRISTENSON graduated Friday night from Vernal high school.  A very big day for this family.  We went to the good friends of the family for dinner afterwards.  His grandpa Peterson even drove down for it!   We all pitched in to help with the food for the big party held in the school all night afterwards......home at midnight.  Sunday the wards seniors each gave a talk and we never expected Ken to do it.....but he did and had everyone in tears.......we all went to his Seminary Graduation that night.....go....go.....go!  The picture is in the Labrums back yard....Porsha on the end, Alex, Lindsay, Sher, Dar, Ken, Braydon and me.
Sherrie drove me home today .......Darren and the two boys were off to Lake Powell for the week .......on Darren's house boat and Sher and Alex holding down the office and farm.
All the Panniers were in Island Park celebrating and who knows what the COOK'S were up to.
With what my life has dealt me I could either get bitter or .....better.  It's just that simple.  You either take what has been dealt to you and allow it to make you a better person, or you allow it to tear you down.  The CHOICE does not belong to BELONGS to you!

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