Friday, May 20, 2016


To be of service to others through your inner gifts, your intuition, your courage, your talents and your creativity is possible for all those who are willing to respond to the needs of others........Not only the many in need around the world.......but the guy across the street......Toward this end, you must see yourself as healed, having completed the unfinished business of your past.....while you may visit your wounds every now and then, you can no longer emotionally or mentally reside in that contaminated psychic field continually processing wounds that are decades old.....Your focus has to be in the present moment.  This is where your power is.....and being in the present is what your health requires........Like they keep telling you.......don't give others that have hurt you space in your head!!!!  I work on this a lot! to catch up a little in May!  Went to Vernal for a few days over Mother's Day for Braydon's Home Coming......Went to Jon Cook's funeral with the Christensons........Shirley came down with Bell's Paulsey.......Lunch with Patty and Ruth for my late birthday.......Garage Sales with Gay......Met Sherrie and Braydon for lunch at Costco's after their trip to Spokane for the weekend........Pam and Tiff and Aaron spent last weekend in Minnesota with Nicci and Bill.....I am excited about Braydon going to Ghanna Africa on a humanitarian service project......working at an orphanage.........with his favorite person Gabby!
We have had several nice days but still getting rain and wind and here we are in the middle of May.......trying to turn my life to a more positive page........two Cava Cava pills a day........

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