Saturday, September 27, 2008

On The Road Again

Time is flying........and I am getting ready for another adventure! My sister and I are doing a
driving tour of the New England States to take in the Fall Foliage. I only have eight more of the
50 states to see in my life time and I hope to get all but two in on this trip. Will I ever see ND and Oaklahoma?...........
It is so important everyday not to just look........but to see! How big, how little, what color, far away or near, rough, smooth, hot or cold, so many things to look for and to record in our minds
to get the real picture.
Is there any sound at the time? Birds, wind, animals, people traffic, children or whatever.
What are the feelings you get when you see something? Happy, sad, at peace, scared, anxious,
secure, so many feelings to record. All this goes into a single picture you take or vision you see.
Realize it and enjoy. We are all visual, audio and kinestic, so use all these wonderful scenses. I intend to and hope to write about some of the new and different experience on this trip. We will drive for two weeks, stopping when and where we want and for as long as we want............aren't you jealous? No bossy husbands or kids.
Somewhere I read and always remember, like airplanes weren't made to just taxi down the run
way of life. They are designed to fly high in the sky, above the clouds, above the storms.
How many people do you know who spend their lives starting down the runway of life, reviving their engines, but afraid to take off? We were all designed to fly! But, so often we don't want to lose the security of keeping one foot on the ground. We HAVEN'T GOT THE GUTS TO GET OUT OF THE RUTS. The unique quality we each have going for us is not that we're equal, but that we are different!
I also want to congratulate my daughter on the publishing of her book. "The Power of a Penny,"
due out in 2009 to celebrate the 100 year birthday of the penny. She is not taxing any
more she has started to fly! inspiration!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Just a thought.............

A few years ago I took a photography class at the local Community College. One class period we went to the exhibit in the library to examine some of Ansel Adams pictures. We were to write a
composition about the feelings we got from one of the pictures. This is what I wrote:
My favorite picture in the exhibit in the library was the one of the huge stone nestled next to a magnificient, very large tree with it's massive roots flexing like muscles over the ground.
As I looked at this photo I felt I was looking at two old friends and I listened to the whispers of the wind as they compared notes on the weather patterns of their long lives and each bragged of their ancestry. Who had contributed the most to mankind and civilization?
Since time began men have used these two entities to survive and build their lives with. Caves in rocks safe from weather and wild animals, stone utensils and weapons are still in existence to testify of the early beginnings. Homes, monuments, burial sights, churches, castles with great walls to protect them were shaped from stones of many kinds and forms. Many, many of these are still around to testify of their ever lasting endurance.
As I trvel around the world I look and wonder at the great accomplishments with the use of stone in people's lives. The Sphinx of Egypt, the Great Wall of China, The Forum and
aqueducts of Rome, huge walled castles, elaborate churches and the complete city of Pompei,
which was buried but still survived to tell us of it's culture in stone. In Mexico and South America the huge temple ruins with their cobblestone court yeards and in our own country the homes of the ancient Indian cultures of old.
What is the mystery and strengths of stone? At birth we are assigned a birthstone for
our month. At death they place a stone marker on our grave with our name and years of life,
to last into eternity.
Now the tree in turn whispers of it's contributions. It can be used for fires to warm us,
and cook our food. The many forms of wood give us homes to protect us from the Sun nd rain. Before metal it was popular in being formed into vehicles of transportation like wagons and boats.
It's pulp can be made into paper to preserve art and historical records for us, much
easier to use than the rock, which also claims this use. Some family members of this great tree produce fruit, used by humans and animals as food. Under the big tree we can find shade from the sun and protection from the rain without having to cut it into wood. In the jungle, families of this tree give interesting new medical help. Yes, this tree has many interesting stories to tell.
I guess when I look at these giant friends I see more than just a rock and a tree. I feel their power and influence in my life.......and what good friends they have been to me.
To one..........Sun, wind and water is a must,
To the other............Sun, wind and water, it can't trust,
Poems are made by fools like me,
But only God can make a tree.........or a rock!

Two Giant friends of nature....Just a Thought

Friday, September 5, 2008

Grandkids and staying young.......

Another month of great things in my life. Today Karrie and I went to lunch at the Willow Creek
Country Club .......they are having the PGA Golf tournament in her back yard and belonging to
the Club entitled us to lunch. Fun, Fun. Tonight I'm off to watch my oldest grandson ,who is the
Captain of his football team, play another exciting football game. Last week they won. In the
morning I will be off to watch my youngest grandson (6) play soccor, nothing more exciting! AND 1:30, it will be another football game to watch my 14 year old grandson play.
What a lucky grandmother I am. My children and grandchildren refuse to let me get OLD......
Which makes me contemplate the follow piece I read:
Youth is not a time of life---it is a state of mind. It is not a matter of ripe cheeks, red lips and supple knees; (I have chubby knees). It is a temper of the will, a quality of the imagination, a
vigor of the emotions; it is a freshness of the deep spring of life.
Youth means a temperamental predominance of courage over timidity, of the appetite of ad-
venture over love of ease. This often exists in a person of fifty more than in a person of twenty.
Nobody grows old by merely living a number of years; people grow old by deserting their ideals. Years wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkels the soul. Worry, doubt, selfish trust, fear and despair - these are the long, long years that bow the head and turn the growing spirit back to dust.
Whether seventy or sixteen or seventy-six, there is in every being's heart the love of wonder,
the sweet amazement at the stars and the star like things and thoughts, the undaunted challenge
of events, the unfailing childlike appetite for what next, and the joy and the game of life.
You are as young as your faith, as old as your doubt; as young as your self-confidence, as old as your fear; as young as your hope, as old as your despair.
In the central place of your heart there is a wireless station; so long as it receives messages of beauty, hope, cheer, courage, grandeur and the power from the earth, from men and from the Infinite, so long are you young. This I believe...........
When the wires are all down and all the central place of your heart is covered with the snows
of pessimism and the ice of cynicism, then are you grown old indeed and may God have mercy on your soul.
I thank my children for giving me a cell phone, (so they can keep track of me)....Ipod, so I can
look IN, Digital Camera (that I have finally learned to print out pictures at Target and recharge
the battery) and a lap top Computer (that I will learn to use or die trying and if my granddaughter doesn't give up on me first!) No, I will not get old.........thanks to a great family.