Wednesday, December 23, 2020


Counting down till the big day.  Tonight Brayden, Libby and I are having an early Christmas.  Cooking ribs, rice, rolls, salad etc. and opening our gifts for each other....what we havenn't opened already.....Libby got a board to stand on and paddle....brayden got glasses that play music.....remember those days of yor when Christmas was so exciting?  Now just another day....can't get together and don't need anything......BUT I love this picture and all it represents and always will in my book.....It will always be about Jesus.....MERRY CHRISTMAS EARLY.


RETAIL THERAPY............


This is me when I could enjoy retail therapy......this was in the Huge Mall in Minnesota when I went to Nicci's wedding....the girls rented me a cart so I could keep up with them.....and carry the bags......I didn't kill a soul and we had a ball.....

I so miss my retail was my social out let and exercise every day....NOW....I am more or less in lock down because of the viris and there is no place to go or anything I need more retail therapy.  A walk to the mail box or the grocery store is exercise now days.....but it is winter most days I drive every where....OH FOR THE GOOD OLD DAYS.....

Sunday, December 20, 2020


This was our family Christmas picture   a year ago.....Nicci and Bill and baby Tucker were with us....not so this year.  Yesterday we had our Family party without any of the Panniers......Rob been sick and they decided to stay home and Tiff and Will didn't show it was the Cooks and the Christensons and Me.  Karrie had a brunch at her house and it was great....crapes and all and some fun games.....miss Scotty who is in Casper WY on his mission. All the cousins an their spouces had fun together.....So wonderful having the twins back together....made my day.  Thsnks Cooks for a great party....Christmas 2020



Some weeks are better than others....but most of mine are the same......At about five o'clock after having five snacks and two realize it is still today!  Especially Sundays?...and it is dark.  I have a feeling the next two months are going to be long, dark months in Utah.....Some times the best thing you can do is not think.....not imagine.....not obsess.....just breath and have faith that everything will work out for the best.
Went to church today on ZOOM.....nice Christmas program.....dinner with kids.....some church stuff and ready for bed.  Sundays are long....quiet.....and ....well I can't think of a good word for them....I use to shop, go to a movie....go out to know enjoy them.....I think you get old and forget....because there is nothing fun or exciting to look forward to or people around who are doing anything new or exciting.



Every thing you do is based on the choice you make....It's not your parents, your past relationships....your job....the economy, the argument...or your age that is to blame.  You and only you are responsible....for every decision and choice you make.....says Dr. Dyer...
And you can be sure every choice you make....DOES HAVE A CONSEQUENCE!! we make dozens of choices every day......what time to get up.....what to wear....what to eat...and on and on all choose carefully to be happy....bcause you cannot blame anyone or anything for a bad choice.



A sad Christmas for money for food or presents....sick famly members...and so many things closed down.  If my neighbors daughter drives to Utah to spend Christmas with her 98 year old grandmother....may be the last time she sees her.....when she gets back to LA she has to quarentine two weeks.....she and the dog will be driving.....she is still trying to decide what to this the land of the free any more?  News last night said the UK is cancelling Christmas because of a new strain of viris ....more vaccine. HOW DO YOU CANCEL CHRISTMAS?
Yes, we do have a lot to be thankful for here in our little spot in Midvale.


Sunday, December 6, 2020


Just as you think your on top of things in your get another black cloud.....I was so happy everyone was speaking to each other this year...then a blow up at Thanksgiving....but I think they are all speaking this week......and I am spending Christmas alone to keep peace on who I like best!!!!  Where are my nice row of ducks?  I don't even know if I still have any. I still hurt every where and things are an effort.....but one day at a time.  I wish this viris would get a vacination and let us live....we are almost afraid to go any where or have visitors. ....and the cold weather is no help. This is just a quiet Sunday...watched church on TV.  Mike called and is going to drop by this after noon....dinner then bed. Rob been sick all week.



Happy the Cooks.
Smaller groups for holidays now due to the sad.
Brayden had to work late at the ski resort so had a late dinner.  Libby had gone home to Vernal for the weekend with her family. Cooks just remodeled and have a beautiful home.  ANNIE went to her inlaws.....Richie and Anna went to South Carolina as her father was getting married and Scott is on a they were alone. It's hard to family when the kids grow up and get married.



So excited...Sherrie finally gets to be a grandma in MAY......and it's a GIRL!  This will make my fifth great-grandchild.  Three girls and two boys....Brayden and Libby are very excited......Sherrie has started her nursery already.....getting ready for some baby-sitting,...This will be one spoiled baby.....the first grandchild on both sides.


WOW.....don't know where the time goes ....but I have been neglecting my blog lately....Here we are why into December already.  I do have my tree up and my house decorated .....all my presents wrapped and outside lighting up.  Need to mail a gift and deliever some presents.  It has been bright and sunny all week......but cold.  We have not gotten any snow for ages..I was so upset about Bidden winning the president I have been too depressed to do much...but what guess I can wait and see why God didn't answer my prayer and let Trump win....guess he has a better plan.....we are so tired of masks and the viris.