Wednesday, April 3, 2019


Well, here we are into one of my favorite months.......APRIL!  So many birthdays....mine, Jim's, Lucille's, Sherrie and Karrie.s and Ken's......and what would have been my 63rd wedding anniversary.
Guess the family is getting together for dinner to celebrate my 87 years!
And then there was APRIL FOOL'S favorite neighbor got me good....brought pizza over for Ken and I and very seriously said....." Betty sit down.....I have something to tell you.....i made some bad investments and have lost the house and will have to move????" As my mind races to fix this for her with her moving into my basement.....borrowing money.....or taking me with her....and on the verge of tears......she calmly leans back in her chair and says......."APRIL FOOL!"  She also did that to the neighbor on the other side of her.....soooo we are plotting to get even!   That wasn't even funny to us.....

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