Saturday, November 22, 2014


Gosh......maybe I should have said. "yes" when the girls ask me to go to St. Thomas with them for Thanksgiving.......I don't snorkel, but I would have a "fish pedicure"......... I can hardly wait to hear the details on this little picture........Never a dull moment with the Cooks and the Christensons!!!
I think I am letting my self go......I never wanted to be described as a woman who has "let herself go."  The whispered insult is usually directed at a woman of a certain age who has become a slacker in the extreme spot of female maintenance, you know neglecting mind and body.  But , since my 80's I am finding it harder and harder to maintain? As I think of this phrase it comes to my mind.....where do you go if you let yourself go?  Today most of my friends are hitting the 80 mark and share the gifts of longevity, one of which is free time.....another is the freedom to "let go" of the should and the musts that dominate us for so long. As I ponder the few years I have left and count up the number of weekends I might have left in my life I realize I don't have any time to waste so I want to spend my time doing what matters most.  I will throw out all the shoulds and create my lists of coulds.  I am as much a work in progress in my 80s as I was in my 20s of 40s......Growing older, we are still.....growing.  So now when I hear a person has let herself go....I say "good for her".  I guess I will just let myself go......and go for it, if I live through all this packing!!!!

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