Sunday, November 30, 2014

TO MY KIDS.......

Yes, we all love to hear the words "I love you".....and I tell my family this often, BUT, I feel this with every fiber in my children are definitely the best thing that ever happened to me.  To have three and have ALL three turn out to be good, kind, loyal, independent, capable.....well there aren't enough words to cover how I feel about these three girls.  They are there for me in everyway, everyday so caring and loving and tell me they love me often!  This makes me feel I am successful as a mother.  When these little spirits were entrusted to me they did not come with a book of instructions on to raise successful, happy wonderful people.....somehow I lucked out.  Yes, I followed many of the examples of how my parents raised their five children and YES, I have made many mistakes but all in all These Three families are the keys to my happiness......I love my three son-in-laws who are also very good to me and we are friends and like each other and enjoy each others company. AND .....where do I start with the 9  grand-children these daughters have given me.  Three beautiful, talented, good grand-daughters.... two married and one in college.  The oldest one is having my first great-grand child in a month.........and six grandsons.  My oldest one graduated from college and is working and turning 24 in a few days.  The next three went on LDS missions and the one that is home is getting married in three weeks.  The two youngest are still in school but so far have not been in trouble with the law, on drugs and go to school and love sports, and life.  All this comes from the good parents my three girls have been.  They all have made me so proud.  PERFECT.....NO........!, no one is perfect but I will settle for how they are living their lives and making mine so wonderful!

Thursday, November 27, 2014


I have had a great Thanksgiving.....and have so much to be thankful for.  Good health.....good weather......wonderful family......nice friends.....and GOD.
Started the day off with feeding the Pannier's gold fish.....then got ready and had an early Turkey Dinner at Marie Calendars......a really good turkey dinner with all the trimmings and ending with pumpkin pie! with two good friends Shirley and Shiree.
Then Shirley and I went to see a really great movie "ST VINCINT".......Yes, I cried, it was such a neat movie for this Thanksgiving day.  A text from Sherrie they were in NYC and would see me tomorrow......two weeks is so long.  Karrie's family will be home tomorrow night so will take the dogs over tomorrow evening.....Marley and Izzy think 9 nights at grandma's is long enough.....but they have been good doggies for me.
So back to packing as soon as I get into my PJs.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

DUMPER DIVING...... many of you have been attacked by an iguana......who wanted the apple you were eating.   Here is Annie in St. Thomas holding out?  I think my family is having too much fun without me.
It was a beautiful sunny day here ......I went to my annual doctor appointment.....passed my senior citizen test and she thought I would live a few more months......haha.
AND today I did something that wasn't on my "bucket list"......I went "dumpster diving".....I needed some more boxes for my packing and Karrie wasn't here to do it for me......she said don't go buy boxes to move......hit all the dumpsters behind the stores and  get all you need....I DID!  I tell you....... this is the best bargain around.....I didn't see anything else I could use or needed......but quite an adventure!  Put this on your......"bucket list".
It has been a long hard week......pack, pack , the basement is done!  I am still wading though my stuff upstairs but I am taking tomorrow off to have a turkey dinner and go to a movie.......It is Thanksgiving!  I am about to my end........END.....a nice do you know it's the end unless you die.....that is probably the end!

Tuesday, November 25, 2014


 Day by day......the black bags of trash or goodies for the DI go marching out my garage door......AND YET......I have a ton more stuff than I need or know what to do with.   I am so tired of making decisions.....Need it or not?  Want it or not?  Fit or not?  Any place for it in my new house.....or not!  Confucius says;  "Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated."
My Symphony is to live content with small means;  To seek elegance rather than luxury; and refinement rather than fashion; To be worthy, not respectable, and wealthy, not rich;  To think quietly, act frankly, talk gently...... In a word to let the Spiritual unbidden and unconscious, glow up through the common.....This is my Symphony!
Got my nails done today and saw Santa at the Mall and it isn't even Thanksgiving?????  Also they turned the Christmas lights on in the condo tonight......

Monday, November 24, 2014


This is my Happy Thanksgiving surprise picture......The twins and their families in St. Thomas......missing their two missionaries......Brayden and Richard.  I should send them a picture of me sitting on a snow bank!!!!  So glad they are having fun.  Today was the usual packing job......I had been in the house all day Saturday and my PJs.....packing so today I went to the post office the bank and yes, I even went and wandered around Walmart looking at all the fun Christmas trees and decorations and I can't buy a fun thing.  Pam did say today that Rob bought a beautiful new Christmas Tree for us to enjoy next month. One week from today I think I will be moving out! I mailed out the invitations today for a shower for Alex and Lindsey the 5th of December. I am so close to being done-in.....I hope I can hang on a little longer!
"Let gratitude be the pillow upon which you kneel to say your nightly prayer.  And let faith be the bridge you build to overcome evil and welcome good".  I really am grateful for my many blessings and thankful for my wonderful family.

Sunday, November 23, 2014


Have you around 50 or so many woman just become invisible......Some think a woman becomes invisible in middle age?  Many love it.....they feel it is liberating.  I don't like the thought of becoming invisible at any age but there are some perks to it.   You know for the first time since puberty, what you are on the outside is less of a distraction from who you are on the inside.  People seem to trust you more and every conversation can be purely, completely human. When I was a young person.....especially a stewardess...I got lots more attention than  I do now. Busy waiters and even randy construction workers.....look right through me now......they just treat me like I am ancient......and so we are free to be purely human together.  Yes, invisibility may be imposed on aging woman, but transparency can be welcomed.  The weekend has flown by with packing, packing, packing.....If I live long enough I will conquer it!  I God said, "it wouldn't be easy....but it would be worth it."  Well, my kids keep telling me, "Mom it won't be easy to move, but it will be worth it!"  Our first snow of the year today, but melted already!

Saturday, November 22, 2014


Gosh......maybe I should have said. "yes" when the girls ask me to go to St. Thomas with them for Thanksgiving.......I don't snorkel, but I would have a "fish pedicure"......... I can hardly wait to hear the details on this little picture........Never a dull moment with the Cooks and the Christensons!!!
I think I am letting my self go......I never wanted to be described as a woman who has "let herself go."  The whispered insult is usually directed at a woman of a certain age who has become a slacker in the extreme spot of female maintenance, you know neglecting mind and body.  But , since my 80's I am finding it harder and harder to maintain? As I think of this phrase it comes to my mind.....where do you go if you let yourself go?  Today most of my friends are hitting the 80 mark and share the gifts of longevity, one of which is free time.....another is the freedom to "let go" of the should and the musts that dominate us for so long. As I ponder the few years I have left and count up the number of weekends I might have left in my life I realize I don't have any time to waste so I want to spend my time doing what matters most.  I will throw out all the shoulds and create my lists of coulds.  I am as much a work in progress in my 80s as I was in my 20s of 40s......Growing older, we are still.....growing.  So now when I hear a person has let herself go....I say "good for her".  I guess I will just let myself go......and go for it, if I live through all this packing!!!!

Friday, November 21, 2014


Well, my days "in this ole' house" are I need to settle down and get serious about packing again.....took two days off for my social life.....bridge parties are important!  They are moving out my piano today that I have had for many years but just don't have room for in the next place.  And the closets will take at a least a week.  I guess as I inspect each item of clothing I will take Maxine's suggestion......if it is good for napping it is in fashion!......and I can keep it.  Part of my family are just about hitting New York on their way to St. Thomas for Thanksgiving.......ahaaaa warm sun, sea and sand!!!!!! Panniers are off to St. George in a couple of days so my friend and I are heading to Marie Calendars for our turkey dinner......I suggested a TV Turkey Dinner at my house, but she vetoed it.  For some reason I have never been a big fan of Thanksgiving......I am just thankful everyday for what I have.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014


Well, my days are numbered.......A couple of more weeks and they will take away my furniture.....and I will move in with my kids!  Karrie and Pam came this morning and out the kitchen cupboards and drawers and freezer......they threw away most of it!  Yes, I'm a saver and don't bother much with the dates on things.....when the can puffs up I figure it's time to throw it out.  So many things....only things.....what to keep, what not to......  Like my Alaska Ulu Knife!  I brought it back from my Alaskan Cruise, I haven't used it much, but might some day!  For almost 5,000 years, the Ulu knife has played a primary role in the life of Eskimos...... and I am not an Eskimo.......these hand crafted knives were primarily used by the Eskimos for the skinning and cleaning of a variety of ocean life......of which I never intend to do!  Originally the Ulu blades were made from polished slate with carved bone handles.  Today the Ulus are continued to be used but have stainless steel blades ad wooden handles.  Very popular in Alaska and Canada in the kitchen for chopping and mincing.  I am keeping it.....along with too many other fun things.....I don't need!

Sunday, November 16, 2014


Packed up all the wrapped Christmas gifts for Pam to take to her house......almost down to my bedroom and the kitchen to pack.....other than my clothes in a few closets.  I think I can meet the dead line and be out of here by the first of December.......I'M READY!!!!  All the family is leaving town for Thanksgiving so it will just be me and Karrie's dogs holding down the fort.  What am I going to do Thanksgiving....still deciding?
WHO PICKED THE DATEE FOR THANKSGIVING DAY????  Nope, it wasn't the Pilgrims.  It wasn't even the American Turkey Breeders Assoc.  It was Abraham Lincoln in 1863 in the middle of the Civil War, the 16th President of the U S declared that the fourth Thursday in November would become a National Day of Thanksgiving.  He hoped the observation would help to " heal the wounds of the nations," and promote "peace and harmony, tranquility and Union." of the nation.   I guess the Pilgrims and the Indians did the first feasts of thankfulness together.....but did not declare it a Holiday.   AND
Why do we care pumpkins on Halloween?  Carving TURNIPS was traditionally used in Ireland and Scotland during the Halloween season as a way of remembering souls in purgatory.  Immigrants to N America carried on the tradition, but with pumpkins which were more plentiful and easier to carve.  The record for the largest pumpkin was set in 2010 by a Wisconsin grown pumpkin weighing 1,810 pounds.  Imagine cleaning an carving something that big!
Just a little Holiday information for history........

Friday, November 14, 2014


Big warning out tonight......freezing weather and snow tonight!  It has been very cold all week.....but no snow thank goodness.  Spent the day packing and waiting for Sherrie to get here....just got a text tied up by business try and be here by 7:00pm......that's my PJ  time of day!
I was reading about our economy....and its all about money!  Some good thoughts.....MONEY....It can buy a house, but not a home.....It can buy a clock, but not time......It can buy you a position, but not respect....It can buy a bed, but not sleep......It can buy a book, but not knowledge.....It can buy medicine, but not health......It can buy you blood, but not life......So you see money isn't everything, and it often cases pain and suffering.  I tell you this because I am your friend, and as your friend I want to take away your pain and suffering!! SO, send me all your money , and I will suffer for you.
Tomorrow another baby shower for Tiff and I am tending Karrie's dogs while they spend the weekend in warm St. George..... and packing goes on!

Thursday, November 13, 2014


I am so tired I can hardly think.....been up since 4;00....couldn't sleep so got up and started wrapping my Christmas presents so I can get them over to Pam's till the Christmas party.  I just can't believe how hard it is to do anything anymore....knees and back hurt, tied.  I did get everything wrapped and took a load of goodies over to Lucille's.  We had a good visit and she made cream of broccoli soup for lunch,,,,,which was very good,  Tomorrow I have to pick up Scottie and get him home and delivered etc. and bring the dogs home for the night as Karrie is going to St. George with Richard.  Sherrie is coming to stay all night and go to a baby shower for Tiff on Saturday  So I can see another go-go-go day.  Thought we were getting snow.....but lucked out and just had cold weather.  Still a lot to do before I can get moved out of here.  Well must go jump in bed before I drop off here!

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Ain't it da truth?

WOW......what a day!   Today was clean out the garage day!  Pam arrived with the pickup truck and Sherrie surprised me and came in and the three of them made three trips filling everyone's car to store or dump off all the treasures of many years........Nice clean garage tonight.....I am a basket case trying to keep up with them.  The big push to clean out and throw away is about over....down to my closets and clothes......and I need to do that by myself!  Started wrapping Christmas presents to take over to Pam's house .....still have about three weeks until they move the furniture and I move in with the Panniers.........Days like today bring on the aches and pains along with the storm that is moving in.....a doctor appointment in a couple of weeks for the annual physical.....
Thought I'd let my doctor check me, Cause I didn't feel quite right.........
All those aches and pains annoyed me, And I couldn't sleep at night.
He could find no real disorder, But he wouldn't let it rest.
What with Medicare and Blue Cross, We would do a couple tests.
To the hospital he sent me, Though I didn't feel that bad.
He arranged for them to give me, Every test that could be had.
I was fluoroscoped and cystoscoped, My aging frame displayed.
Stripped, on an ice cold table, While my gizzards were x-rayed.
I was checked for worms and parasites, For fungus and the crud,
While they pierced me with long needles, taking samples of my blood.
Doctors came to check me over, Probed and pushed and poked around,
And to make sure I was living, They wired me up for sound.
They have finally concluded, Their results have filled a page.
What I have will someday kill me:  My affliction is OLD AGE!
I guess that is something I already knew......and like they start dying the day you are born.....and it will happen to every one of us.

Monday, November 10, 2014

THAT'S GOD.......

Wow.....what a week.....It is very hard to move.....anywhere....anytime....especially when you are 82 and have live in a fun place for 27 years......not that I am not excited about my new's just that I don't know when I have ever been so tired!!!!! So many decisions.....and that good feeling of letting go of so much that you use to think you could not live without!....... We should never get to that point in life.....but we do.......I know....I know they are just THINGS......and have nothing to do with you or your happiness.  Real happiness is when you have been just sitting there an all of a sudden you feel like doing something nice for someone you care for?  That 's God talking to you through the Holy Spirit.
Have you ever been thinking about somebody that you haven't seen in a long time and then next thing you know you see him or receive a phone call from them?  That's GOD....... there is no such thing as coincidence.
Have you ever been in a situation and you had no clue how it was going to get better, how the hurting would stop, how the pain would ease, but now you look back on it.......That's GOD passing us through tribulation to see a brighter day.
I know when I move out after Thanksgiving it may be a long three months ....but GOD will be there.....  All I can say and think right now is.....THIS TOO WILL PASS! 

Saturday, November 8, 2014


A good month....not to be a turkey!!!!  I say take a chance on JOY......No matter what our daily struggles or the morning news might lead you to think need to know the potential for happiness is all around you.....You know those moments when nothing special is happening, maybe you wake up early one morning to the sound of the birds chirping in the tree outside your bedroom window or the smell of last night's rain storm from your open window and you smile for no reason!   You feel different and you don't know why.......the plotline of my life dissolves and I am just there where I am, without the responsibility of playing the lead in my own fascinating story.  The world is so full of hurt and pain you need to stop and be happy where you are in your life....Today was frantic.....Kar and Rich came by to help out with the it began....many boxes, thrown away outdated food.....and lots of junk (treasures).....go....go...go.......Alex came in from Vernal and is excited about getting married and set up a new apartment next month and I was happy to have him haul off some of my treasures......table and chairs, desk, bookcase, lamps etc. then went I thought we were done we were off to Macy's to look for a new dress for me for the wedding....Karrie had a coupon and with my card to found a nice one and saved forty dollars......I am tired tonight1

Thursday, November 6, 2014


It seems as I was growing up I felt life was meant to be fairly hard, don't break any laws and be honest.......maybe that is just a child's view of life......because after 82 years of life I feel that life can be hard.....frustrating......disappointing etc.......hard!  Sometimes you think your happy....sometimes not.....and with every up and down I guess it makes you stronger.....just proves to can do it.  So you keep going just one more day.....just one more day....... just....well you know what I mean.
Today was a very productive day.....think the basement.....other than the closet with my cloths is done.  Tomorrow will take the next chore.....had a nice break.....Patty came by and we had coffee.....what would you do without those good, loyal, always there friends?????  Sherrie called and said Kennedy ran over her she cried and felt bad....he said "don't worry Mom.....A  cat has nine lives" real concern.....just convinced it would go on living it's other lives somewhere.....she said thank goodness for Alex who was very comforting and took care of the dead cat for her.......Don't know what we are going to do with Ken?
Having great weather for November....AND I see on Facebook that I have another four-legged grandchild named "Toad"......Rob couldn't resist another big dog for duck hunting.....he is white and beautiful.  Rob just cleaned out his fish pond and has a big fish tank with his 9 very pretty Koi fish in Pam's kitchen????  Sometimes husbands are very interesting!

Wednesday, November 5, 2014


I look at this picture and is something to ponder.....there seems to be so many things in life to think about.....I have been struggling with many lately.  Ponder about some of these......1.  The nicest thing about the future is that is always starts tomorrow. Yea that seems about right. 2.  Seat belts are not as confining as wheelchairs......better believe it!  3.  How come it takes so little time for a child who is afraid of the dark to become a teenager who wants to stay out all night?  No parent will ever understand matter how much you ponder this!  4.  I've reached the age were the happy hour is a nap!!!!!! 5.  Do you realize that in about 40 years, we'll have thousands of OLD LADIES running around with tattoos?  (I have thought of that...yuck....of course I won't be here to see it!).....6.  Money can't buy happiness---but somehow it's more comfortable to cry in a Corvette than in a Volks Wagon.......7.  After a certain age, if you don't wake up aching in every joint, you are probably dead......
Still plugging along with the happy to see today........ that yesterday's voting had the Republicans beating the Democrats by a mile.....!  Sorry are through?

Tuesday, November 4, 2014


Well.....spent the weekend having a pity party and my three darling daughters bailed me out......Decided to bag Christmas this year and move out the end of November so David Dee can start I am moving in with the Panniers for December......If it takes him the month of December, I can put the house up for sale January 1st and hopefully sell in the next two months to have the money for the first part of March for the new place?????Anyway.....that is the new plan.   The three girls came over and the past two days with boxes, bubble wrap, news paper etc packed up practically my whole house and moved it down to Robs business to store.....They took what they wanted and loaded a lot for the DI.......We all end up being pack rats through the years......
Seems I haven't slept for weeks....worrying, packing in my mind, etc.  I realize all my assumptions are unexamined thoughts that are confused with reality.  The "what If"s" can go on all night.....if you let them. How to be at peace now?  By making peace with the present moment......The present moment is the field on which the game of life happens.....It cannot happen anywhere else.  Once you have made peace with the present moment, see what happens, what you can do or choose to do, or rather what life does through you.  You must be one with life ....being one with life is being one with Now......You then realize that you don't live your life, but life lives you.  The ego loves its resentment of reality.....What is reality?....."What Is ....Is.."
Bottom line.....I have moved on, rethought my options and situations and will be moving out of my home for 27 years soon.

Sunday, November 2, 2014


Well, I am trying to decide that old age is a gift......One part of me says ...yea, it's ok and another part of me's pretty shitty!!!  Just when I think I have some part of this move settled....then I get a lecture about moving out NOW and getting  the house ready to put up for sale.....My reasoning is no one....INCLUDING ME......wants to move during the holidays and you put the house up in December sets there four of five weeks and people wonder why it is not sold if it is such a hot deal...and the Panniers say....move in and have Christmas there.....If I have to move out before is all over for me.......I am done!......  They think it will take too long  to get the house ready to sell.......I see their point and for some one sees mine!!!   At times I wonder if this move was really worth my peace of mine.
Maybe I need some "rose colored glasses"........I am often taken aback by the old person that lives in my mirror (who looks like my mother), but I don't agonize over those things for long. When I moved into this house 27 years ago at was my idea and a lot easier than it is now at 82.  I had a garage sale, stored some stuff and got rid of a lot but for some reason I am really struggling with this move.....The family is darling and have gone way over 1/2 way to make this move a good one .......where they want me and how they want me and I really do appreciate it.  All I want to do is sit and cry.....WHY?

Saturday, November 1, 2014


Yes......I believe this but that doesn't make it any easier....I am so excited ....Karrie texted me they were "digging my hole today!".....The good word was after they dug the hole it would take four months to finish a house.......which means Nov....Dec.....Jan.....Feb.....Sometime in March I can move in!  YES.......January here to remodel and February to sell my house!  Well, anyway that is my plan...Jose and Salvador cleaned the back yard for me today.....which really makes me happy.  Pam and I went to a baby shower for Tiff today at the Hortins......she is due in two months and got so many darling outfits, diapers, blankets, shoes, socks, etc.  She is starting to get excited.
I love this thought.....a group of students were asked to list what they thought were the present "Seven Wonder Of The World".  The following received the most votes:  1. Egypt's Great Pyramids........2. Taj Mahal....3.  Grand Canyon....4.  Panama Canal....5.  Empire State Building.....6.  St Peter's Basilica....7.   China's Great Wall!  One student (a girl).....Was trying  hard to finish but was having trouble....the teacher said well let's see what you came up with:  She said I think the seven wonders of the world are: 1.  To See.....2.  To Hear....3.  To touch....4.  To Taste....5.   To Feel...6. To Laugh and 7.  To Love!  The room was so quiet you could hear a pin drop.  The things we over look as simple and ordinary and that we take for granted are Truly wondrous.....that the most precious things in life cannot be built by hand or bought by man.....TRUE.......
Storm moving in tonight.....snow in the mountains at least and tonight we fall back one hour!